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The Web & App Experts


Target audience

A target audience is the intended audience or readership of a publication, advertisement, or other message catered specifically to said intended audience, says Google but for us target audience is the potential customers who are ready to spend their money if the product is presented properly. The app does this work of making your products more presentable and attractive so that your sales increase. So before even starting with programming we try to find out who is your target audience. For that purpose we have to research your product, do several surveys and then make sure that the particular product is perfect for a particular group.

Performance is top class. We build an app for every kind of business. Within a limited time of course”

Once the target audience is fixed the rest process becomes easy. You need to tell us about your product. We will make the app in a certain way  your target audience will think that the app is meant for them. This category contains characteristics such as age, money, education, sexuality, and geographical region. We target your campaign, for example, towards young people (age 18-24), both male and female, from places with a population of more than 20,000, using demographic data. You see there goes a lot of work just to find your business’ target audience or lets say potential customer.


  • Lisa Riley

    June 22, 2018

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    • Jean Nash

      June 22, 2018

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  • Diana Ross

    June 22, 2018

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